Root Finding: The Bisection Method

Anthony Jimenez
17 August 2021

Import necessary libraries

Define complex function we which to find the root of

$f(x) = x^3 + 4x^2 - 10$

Pseudocode for bisection algorithm

INPUT: x_left, x_right, tolerance, max_iterations

set i == 0:

while i < max_iterations:

1) Defining the left and right starting limits

2) Define the smooth, continuous function

3) Code the main bisection algorithm

4) Call the main function

5) Visualizations

First show the overall function behavior

Create animation zoomed in on interval [1,2] to see the root finding

6) Potential Downfalls

Long convergence time and unbiased approach to newly-guessed root value

The bisection algorithm is very dependent on a good first guess. Additionally, a function that may have multiple zeros can provide difficulties to the algorithm.

Further, because the algorithm always divides the space between x_left and x_right by 2, there can be a long time for convergence when oscillating around the zero.